Evolutionary Tree of Life Chart
The Evolutionary Tree of Life Chart explores in great detail the many branches of the Tree of Life on Earth. This chart developed by master chart maker Matt Baker categorizes and connects every living thing on our planet.
Beginning with the earliest forms of life the chart traces every species on Earth from the formation of three major kingdoms. These three kingdoms are Plants, Fungi and Animals. The species in each kingdom differs in how it takes in food. Animals must eat and digest their food. Fungi can eat also but can absorb food externally as well. Plants make their own food using photosynthesis.
Interestingly, the chart graphically shows how the entire animal kingdom relates as a group and how each evolved. This includes insects, fish, reptiles, birds and mammals.
Want to know where many of the earth’s creatures transitioned from a swimming water creature to a creature that crawls or walks on land? That link came through the sarcopoterygii fish. You will find this and many other features of the chart explained in Baker’s YouTube series called the Evolutionary Tree of Life.
Zoo animals, farm animals and domestic animals are all placed on the chart in their proper place. Find where dinosaurs fit into fit into the tree. And how plant and flower species are related and classified.
At the top of the chart, you will find humankind and the various developmental stages of men and women.
The Evolutionary Tree of Life Chart provides a detailed view of the various stages of life on our planet. You may purchase it in poster form using the button below.